How to take care of your car during the rainy season. Are there any points that need to be taken care of and inspected before every trip? Prepare to deal with the rainy season. A season that many people don't like at all. Because traveling anywhere is not at all convenient. The more days there is heavy rain, the more it causes traffic jams. Plus, there was still flooding on the road. which may be the cause of an accident. If your car is not ready for use and lacks maintenance In this article, we would like to share with you a checklist of car condition or vehicle inspection to make it ready for use during the rainy season. No matter how heavy the rain falls Your car will not cause you any inconvenience and will give you peace of mind throughout your journey.

How to care for your car during the rainy season

1. Windshield wipers

Windshield wipers or wiper blades It is very important during the rainy season. Because it is used to remove things that obstruct vision. Especially liquids like muddy water or rainwater, which if on a rainy day you find that the windshield wipers have a problem It will make visibility on the road worse. Causing the risk of accidents Let's see how to care for windshield wipers.

  • Windshield wiper rubber should be changed every 1 year.
  • When you turn on the windshield wipers, there are water stains in lines or they are not clean. That is, the tire has deteriorated. The windshield wiper rubber should be replaced with a new one.
  • A loud noise occurs while the windshield wipers are in use. It's a sign that tells you to change the windshield wiper rubber. Because the rubber deteriorates as well.

2. Car tires

On the road surface when it rains heavily, there is often flooding or the surface of the road surface is more slippery than usual. Until it may be the cause of accidents on the road. Car tires therefore need to be inspected regularly. Because the tires are bald It will make the efficiency of use lower. As a result, the car easily loses control. Therefore, you should check the condition of your car tires to ensure they are in perfect condition and ready to use at all times. This can be done initially as follows.

  • Use your fingernail to dig into the rubber. If it is still pressed in, it is still considered to be in normal working condition.
  • tire tread or tire surface Including whether the rubber grooves are worn or not. The tire surface must be at least 3 - 4 millimeters deep.
  • For the safety of driving in the rainy season You may need to inflate the tires 2 - 3 pounds per square inch more than before.
  • It is wise to drive at a lower speed to extend the life of the tires. It also helps reduce dangers that occur while driving during rainy weather.

It is also a good idea to check the car's spare tire so that it is always ready for use. In case of an emergency, a tire puncture or puncture requires urgent tire replacement. You can change it and continue using it.

3. Brake pads and brake fluid

A good braking system is important to stop your car from slipping on wet roads during the rainy season. Start by checking the brake fluid to see if it is dark black or not. If you have it, you should change the brake fluid immediately. And always observe while stepping on the car's brakes to see if any problems occur or not, such as

  • When you brake, the brake pads make an abnormal noise.
  • The brakes are not working, or you brake and use a longer stopping distance than normal.
  • If the car is soaked in rain or water for a long time Before driving off, check by pressing the brake pedal periodically so that there is no water remaining on the brakes.

If you have such symptoms You should call a mechanic or take your car to a car service center as soon as possible. Because leaving it for a long time can cause danger to driving on the road.

4. Signal light

Headlights, taillights, turn signals, and fog lights. This is important when driving in dark areas or at night. In order to see visibility during driving. In addition, various car lights are also very necessary during times of heavy rain. because vision in the distance is reduced Therefore, the lights must be turned on to signal and allow other cars to see your car.

  • It is a good idea to check all the lights of the car to make sure they are ready for use.
  • Clean various stains along the light frame.
  • If you find any broken lights It should be changed immediately.

5. Engine condition

During the rainy season, many people with cars may have to stay on the road longer than usual. Because cars are often stuck during rainy weather. Therefore, the car must have a ready-to-use engine at all times. Therefore, you should check the engine condition regularly. Begin by checking the various fluids of the machine to see if they are at normal levels or not.

  • engine oil
  • gear oil
  • Brake fluid
  • gear oil
  • boiler
  • Distilled battery water

You can check from the dipstick whether it is still at the normal level or not. You should also check the various joints of the engine to see if there are any leaks or leaks. If found, they should be repaired immediately. In addition, you should look at the vehicle inspection record. Has the car reached the distance that it needs to be taken to a service center for inspection?

6. Be mindful while driving.

The reason why many people often don't expect it. But it can cause accidents. It is also the leading cause of death. Especially if we are focused on the phone screen. This makes the risk of accidents 5 times higher than before.