What is car ozone treatment? How can it help? How necessary is it? Why do you have to use ozone? If you are a person who loves cleanliness, Maintaining cleanliness aside from buildings, houses, clothing, or appliances. Another thing that should be taken care of and paid attention to is the vehicles or cars that are used to travel back and forth. Especially the passenger room inside a car is often a source of germs and bacteria that may be attached to clothing and remain in the passenger room. Most people tend to think that just using the car care service to wash the car and vacuum it will clean all the germs. Of course, there are some germs and bacteria that can survive even after being sprayed with water. or encounter hot temperatures It's different from ozone that helps eliminate germs and bacteria up to 99 %. Therefore, ozonating a car is an important process for maintaining the car in good condition and efficiency at all times. Today we will be aware of the importance of car ozone treatment at the same time.

What is car ozone?

Car ozone therapy is also known as ozone therapy. It is a process that involves using ozone gas (O3) to remove odors, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful substances from inside the vehicle. Ozone is a highly reactive gas that breaks down organic matter. Neutralize the smell and disinfects surfaces, and in addition, ozone can also help eliminate moisture, kill mold, and deal with unwanted odors. Inside the car smells like cigarettes. Pet odors, musty odors, chemical odors, or paint odors can disappear in just 30 minutes.

Benefits of ozone baking

  • Helps kill bacteria Ozone has the ability to kill bacteria and germs that may be in the air system or on surfaces inside the car, in the air vents, and helps neutralize toxins that remain in the cabin. Helps maintain the cleanliness of used cars.
  • Helps eliminate bad smell Various musty smells accumulated inside the car. Eliminate unwanted odors Disturbing odors that come from various sources inside the car, such as the smell of cigarettes, spoiled food, sweets, pets, or other odors.
  • Clean the air system Ozone treatment helps clean the air system inside the car. This can help reduce the risk of breathing in bacteria, spores, and small particles floating in the air. Allows you to have clean car air and breathe comfortably.
  • Eliminate chemicals stuck inside the car (The smell that comes from buying a new car) This chemical, if inhaled for a long time, can cause cancer.
  • Helps remove dirt and germs. attached to dangerous animals that may be stuck in the car
  • Helps kill COVID-19 and various germs that may cause adverse effects on health more thoroughly than disinfecting by spraying.
  • Helps reduce small dust particles. which is the cause of allergies and respiratory system that is stuck inside the car

How many types of car ozone treatment are there?

Because it is a method that can effectively eliminate germs and invisible dirt inside the car. Thousands of times more than wiping and spraying. There are 2 ways to ozone a car:

1. Bird poop stains on the car are treated with ozone at the service center.It is a service with a cleaning center, inside - outside, using ozone to disinfect and clean the inside of the car. With an ozone dryer that has the capacity to produce ozone that can kill bacteria. Can reduce musty smells inside the car.

2. Ozone your car yourself. It is the use of a car ozone dryer at home. to kill germs Bacteria and eliminates musty odors in the cabin within the time period as required

Is it dangerous to ozone your car?

Is car ozone dangerous? It is a question that many people often have a lot of doubt about. This is explained as follows: Ozone is a concentrated gas that kills germs in every corner of the car's interior. The high concentration of ozone has a fishy smell and is corrosive. May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Therefore, after ozonating the car is finished The car must be left on for a moment. so that the ozone evaporates completely There is no residue. and will not cause dangerous side effects to the body

How often do you have to do it?

Because health is an important thing that must be taken care of. Therefore, it is recommended to disinfect the car cabin with ozone at least 1-2 times a month to keep your car cabin safe from bacteria. and viruses always It is also to preserve the health of yourself and your traveling companions.

And here's a little tip for people who love taking care of their vehicles in a complete manner. Ozone treatment is a useful way to care for your car and the health of your passengers. But you should be careful in using it. And you must follow the instructions and safety of the manufacturer or someone who has knowledge about ozone baking correctly. It is a guideline for choosing and knowing about keeping germs clean. That is a matter that causes negative health effects that you overlook.